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公共外交多元理论与舆论战略研究 随着中国的逐步和平崛起,作为一个国际舞台上的新兴发展中大国,中国正在步入一个承受着诸多压力中寻求发展的新环境,面对来自各方面的误解、偏见和疑虑。在这一进程中,国际政治新秩序和经济新秩序的建构需要公共外交的参与。公共外交在中国和平崛起道路上能起到独特效应,是增强国家软实力和提升国家形象、在国际社会构建信任与和平的重要途径。本书对公共外交进行了较为全面的理论分析与舆论战略研究,提出了“多元公共外交”概念与理论框架,对公共外交中的多元行为主体角色和舆论战略进行了具体分析。对舆论与公共外交、智库与公共外交、媒体与公共外交、中美关系与公共外交进行了专题论述。本书一方面可以作为公共外交专业理论研究书籍,另一方面对公共外交实践界具有指导和启示作用。
As an emerging developing country in theinternational arena, China is entering a new environment that seeks developmentunder various pressures. With China"s peaceful rise, prejudice and misgivingsfrom all sides have cropped up. In this context, the establishment of a newinternational political and economic order needs the involvement of publicdiplomacy. Public diplomacy can exert a unique effect on the path of China"speaceful rise. It is an important way to enhance China"s national soft powerand national image, and to build trust and create a peaceful environment in theinternational munity. This book conducts a prehensivetheoretical analysis and public opinion strategic research on public diplomacy.In this book the concept and theoretical framework of "Pluralistic PublicDiplomacy" is put forward; the role of multiple actors and public opinionstrategies in the area of public diplomacy are analyzed concretely; differentthemes including public opinion and public diplomacy, think tanks and publicdiplomacy, media and public diplomacy, Sino-US relations and public diplomacyare elaborated. This book, on the one hand, can be used for theoretical studyon public diplomacy; on the other hand, it offers guidance and enlightenmentfor the practice of public diplomacy.