Chapter 1 六级听力点拨... 1
1.1 听力新题型备考解析... 2
Chapter 2 天灾人祸... 5
2.1 Refugee Crisis
in Uganda Deteriorates
乌干达难民危机日益严重... 6
2.2 World Refugee
Day 世界难民日... 10
2.3 Ugandan Creates
Settlements to Accept Refugees
乌干达建立安置所接收难民... 14
2.4 East Africa
Faces Food Crisis again
东非再现粮食危机... 20
2.5 Namibia Was
Stricken by Drought
纳米比亚旱情严重... 24
2.6 Madagascar Is
in Desperate Need of Food Aid
马达加斯加急需粮食救助... 29
3 教书育人... 42
3.1 Personalized
Learning, New Possibilities
个性化学习赋予学生更多可能... 43
3.2 Lawyers and Teachers
in Cameroon Strike for More English
喀麦隆律师和教师举行罢工,争取英语的合理地位... 49
3.3 Improve Your
Pronunciation by Taking Selfie Videos
自拍视频可改善英语发音... 54
3.4 What Is the Best
Way to Teach English
教授英语的最佳方式... 60
3.5 College Is Free
for Many High School Graduates in Michigan
密歇根高中生可免费上大学... 66
3.6 ACT to Inspect
Education Centers after Cheating Reports AC
就作弊事件审查其教育中心... 71
3.7 Fewer US
Students Are Ready for College
符合大学标准的美国学生人数减少... 77
3.8 More and More
US Students Choose College Overseas
越来越多美国学生选择去国外留学... 83
3.9 If You Did Not
Get into Harvard, Do Not Worry
考不上哈佛,不用担心... 88
3.10 US Supreme Court
Upholds College Affirmative Action
美国最高法院支持大学的平权举措... 94
4 商业经济... 110
4.1 Londons
Position as International Financial Center at Risk
伦敦国际金融中心地位不保... 111
4.2 American Debt
Crisis May Influence Global Economy
美国债务危机或将影响全球经济... 117
4.3 American Small
Businesses Will Be Hard in Recruiting Employees
美国许多小企业招聘形式不容乐观... 122
4.4 The G20 Meeting
in Hamburg Is Fruitful
汉堡G20峰会成果丰硕... 128
4.5 Lift the
Economy by Investing in Women
投资女性,振兴经济... 133
4.6 Crack Down on Intellectual Property Infringement
to Fight Illicit Economy
打击非法经济从保护知识产权着手... 138
4.7 Will Chinese
Travel Help Chinas Economy
中国旅游能否推动中国经济... 143
4.8 Londons
Businesses Look to Move after Brexit
英国脱欧,伦敦许多公司欲撤离... 149
5 民生前线... 163
5.1 To Promote
Labor Rights Globally Is Important
保障全球劳动者的权益至关重要... 164
5.2 Call on Severe
Punishment for Violence Against Journalists
记者遭暴力侵害,惩治刻不容缓... 168
5.3 Promoting the
Human Rights of Disabled People
保护残疾人权益势在必行... 173
5.4 Gender Equality Is Essential to Global
性别平等关系全球福祉... 179
5.5 How Can We
Tackle Famine and Poverty
如何应对饥饿与贫穷问题... 184
5.6 The Importance of
Clean Water
清洁水源的重要性不容忽视... 189
5.7 The Number of
Hungry People Worldwide Hits a Record High
全球饥饿人数创历史新高... 194
5.8 IRC Works with Sesame to Provide Quality Education
to Displaced Children
国际难民组织与芝麻街一道为难民儿童提供优质教育... 199
6 生态自然... 212
6.1 Earthquakes and
Seismic Waves
地震与地震波... 213
6.2 The Influence
of Climate Change on Health
气候变化对健康的影响... 218
6.3 Global Warming
Worsens East African Drought
全球气候变暖加剧东非旱情... 223
6.4 Arctic Council
Negotiates How to Deal with Global Warming
北极理事会协商如何应对气候变暖... 227
6.5 Unite Efforts
in the United States and Canada to Build a Sanctuary for Migratory Birds
美加合作,共建候鸟家园... 233
6.6 Protect the Ross Sea: One of the Unspoiled Seas
保护罗斯海:未被人类破坏的海域之一... 238
6.7 Major Progress
Was Made in Addressing Global Climate
全球气候治理取得重大进展... 242
6.8 Protecting
Forests in Cambodia Is Quite Urgent 保护柬埔寨的森林资源迫在眉睫 248
6.9 Marine Crafts
Arouses Awareness of Environmental Protection
创意海洋手工艺品唤醒大众环保意识... 253
6.10 Illegal
Fishing Is Harmful to the Sustainable Development of Fisheries
非法捕鱼危害渔业的健康发展... 258
7 科学技术... 270
7.1 Robots Will
Work with Humans in the Future
机器人,人类未来的工作同事... 271
7.2 Yong Generation
Creatively Resolve Rooted Problems in Urban
年青一代创造性解决城市痼疾... 275
7.3 The Merits and
Demerits of Artificial Intelligence
人工智能的利与弊... 281
7.4 Smart Camera
Can Surveille Intruders
智能摄像头可监视入侵者... 287
7.5 Farms Go
Digital 农场走向数字化... 292
7.6 Google Fires
Engineer Who Wrote Anti-Diversity Memo
谷歌解雇反对多元化的工程师... 297
7.7 New
Battery-Free Cellphone Is Powered by Radio Signals
无电池手机靠无线电信号充电... 303
7.8 Japan Not
Worried about Robots Taking Their Jobs
日本人不担心机器人抢走他们的工作... 308
7.9 Automobile
Manufacturer Ushers in an Era of Smart Automobile
汽车制造商开启汽车智能化时代... 314
7.10 Google Offers
Questionnaire to Help Detect Depression
谷歌提供调查问卷帮忙诊断抑郁症... 320