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农业生态学(双语) 读者对象:农业院校和科研院所研究生
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Preface —Agrroeology: A Discipline for our TIme 前言:时代需要农业生态学 Part 1 Theoretical Framework Unit 1 Context of Agroecology Chapter 1 Agricullure and its anthropce:entric science 3 1.1 What are agriculture, ecology and agroecology? 3 1.2 Natural ecosysteversple-esntric esosystems and agroeams 11 1.3 Making money and respecting the environment 12 1.4 What we produce is determined by what we ansume: Rethinking the role of the modern supermarket 13 Literatures cited in this chapter 14 Chapter 2 Agroecology: Science of synthesis of :ology and agricultore 16 2.1 Agroecology: Bridging ecology and agronomy 16 2.2 Agroecology: The ecology of food systems 22 2.3 Global food system: Two case analyses of basic agro:ology 26 Literatures cited in this chapter 31 Unit 2 Basic Analysis of Agroecosystems Chapter 3 Agroston and its analysis 33 3.1 What is an agroecosystem? 33 3.2τbe hierarchies of agroeasystems 35 3.3τbe properties of agr。ecosystems 36 3.4 Agroesosystem analysis 39 Literatures cited in this chapter 42 Chapter 4 Energy flow and matter cycle in agro:ystems 43 4.1 Energy flow and matter cycle in a natural easystem 43 4.2 Energy flow in agroeystems 46 4.3 Matter cycle in agroesystems 47 Literatures cited in this chapter 48 Chapter 5 Agroclimate d agricultore's rolesin chimate chauge 49 5.1 Climate change , global warming and its trends 49 5.2 Agroclimate and climate change related to agriculture 53 5.3 Adaptation and mitigation to the climate change in agriculture 57 Literatures cited in the chapter 58 Chapter 6 Water in agroes;ystems 59 6.1 Water resoces in the global ystem 59 6.2 Water in agroecosystems 61 6.3 Aspects of water management in agroecosystems 64 Literatures cited in this chapter 65 Chapter 7 CoItivated soils and ilonisms 66 7.1 Formation, claBification and functions of soils 66 7.2 Soil nutrient cycling 73 7.3 Soil management in agriculture 78 Literatures cited in this chapter 82 Chapter 8 Agrobiiversity and agressystem stability 83 8.1 Biodiversity 83 8.2 Biodiversity in agroecosystems 87 8.3 Regenerating biodiversity in agroecosystems 90 Literatures cited in this chapter 95 Unit 3 Agroecosystematic ProceBes and Their Anthropocentric Problems Chapter 9 Land preparation 97 9.1 The functions of land preparation 97 9.2 The procedures of land preparation 97 9.3 Tillage system 98 Literatures cited in this chapter 105 alapter 10 Erosion esd soil d:radation:p your soil covered" 106 10.1 Soil erosion 106 10.2 Land dgradation 114 10.3 Keep your soil covered 117 Literatures cited in this chapter 120 11.1 What 盯e resources and wastes in agroecosystems? 121 11.2 Animal and plant rnanures 123 11.3 Compost: Making and using it 126 Literatures cited in this chapter 131 a,pter 12 Natural pital Ecological fooprint esd gy esa1ysis 132 12.1 Ecological footprint (EF): concept and calculation 132 12.2 Emergy analysis 133 12.3 Modified method of natural capital accounting 134 Literatures cited in this chapter 134 Unit 4 Sustainable Production Systems Chapter 13 Dom,tic livte.tems 136 13.1 Domestication and evolution of agriculture 136 13.2 Animal production and products 140 13.3 Efficiency in anirnal production 143 Literatures cited in this chapter 145 Chapter 14 Aquaclllture systems 146 14.1 Is aquaculture important to world food product 146 14.2 The role of aquaculture in human nutrition 147 14.3 The fish species from east to west 148 14.4 Methods and energy efficiency of aquaculture 149 14.5 Sustainable aquaculture systems 150 Literatures cited in this chapter 153 Chapter 15 Cereal-hased cropping sterns 154 15.1 Why are seeds of cereal so great? 154 15.2 Cereals for food and feed 156 15.3 Cereal-based cropping systems 158 Literatures cited in this chapter 159 Chapter 16 Vegetable-hased production sysms 160 16.1 The roles of vegetable in hurnan development 160 16.2 Vegetable production: Global and regional 162 16.3 Scientific aspects of vegetable 162 Literatures cited in this chapter 166 17.1 Sheltered plant production: principle and services 167 17.2 Sheltered plant production in Canada 168 Cbapter 18 Emironrnfn in indus 172 18.1 The concept of environmental horticulture 172 18.2 The environment benefits of plants 173 18.3 Designing environmental horticulture 174 18.4 Green industry 176 Literatures cited in this chapter 177 Unit 5 Agroecosystem Management: IBues ,Problems and Solutions Chapter 19 Agnysn healtb and servieB:Iogy and onomies 178 19.1 Ecosystem seices , health and management 178 19.2 Agroeasystem services , health and management 187 Literatures cited in this chapter 190 Chapter 20 A framework for enquiry inagriystem nnagement 191 20.1 Farm management systems: Goals and units 191 20.2 Farm systems analysis: Economic and political perspectives 193 2 3 An agro-eoologies1 framework for Ingra FManant ID 196 Literatures cited in this chapter 199 Chapter 21 AnimaI weIfare: A good Iife for animals 200 21.1 Animal welfare: Concept and principles 200 21.2 Anial welfare: Observations and research 202 Literatures cited in this chapter 206 Chapter 22 IntegredP,estMagcent (IPM):the studies 207 22.1 Understanding pests and pest control 207 22.2 Integrated pest management: a strategy of altematives 210 22.3 Integrated pest management proadures 212 22.4 Case studies in IPM 214 Literatures cited in this chapter 218 Chapter 23 Trends in organic production 219 23.1 Definition , origins and demands of organic agriculture 219 23.2 Approaches to organic agriculture 222 23.3 Organic food regulations 223 Literatures cited in this chapter 225 Cbapler 24 Genetialy modified teeir impliay 227 24.1 What is a genetically modified crop? 227 24.2 GMO chnology 228 24.3 Advantages of GM crops 230 24.4 Risks aesiadwi GM crops 231 24.5 GMOd:hat 233 Literaturcited in this chapter 234 Part in Practical 1eaching practicel suney 237 Practice 2 Ecooooc plant E esPn 240 Lab 1 VegeI:aaficatilBl and tomy 249 Lab 2 Soil profde tore 255 Lab 3 tou esd lirrnorphology 258 Course trainting on agroecology learning style 260 Epilogue Agroecology:The science of food in the 21st century Unit 1 Context of Agroecology Chapter 1 Agriculture and its anthropocentric sciences Learning objectives 1.Define the terms agriculture,ecology,ecosystems andagroecology. 2.Discuss how the science of agroecology fits in the realm ofnatural and so cial sciences. 3.Explain why corn is a good symbol for the study ofagroecology. 4.Compare and contrast the characteristics of natural andmanaged ecosys tems. 5.Explain how the concept of " Making money and respecting theenviron ment" is central to agroecology. 1.1 What are agriculture,ecology and agroecology? "Agriculture is the science,art,politics and sociology ofchanging sunlight into healthy,happy people" ――C.D.Caldwell,1996 When we first learn the principles of ecology,we stand apartfrom the system;we are observers of nature-measuring,modelling andpredicting behaviour and out comes in various systems from puddleto biosphere.We see ourselves as unbiased,highly interestedobservers of the interactions within and between our biotic and abiotic environments.Thus,ecology has become defined as the scientificstudy,through observation and analysis,of the relationships betweenliving organisms with each oth er and their environment. By comparison,agriculture seems to be a misunderstoodscience,tainted with the ideas that our endeavours are solelyselfserving.In fact,the Oxford Concise Dictionary dismissesagriculture as anything more than,the "science or practice ofcultivating the soil and rearing animals." This cursory definitiononly explores one facet of the complex scientific study andpractice of agriculture. 1.1.1 Definitions of agriculture Let's refer to the definition of agriculture as the science andindustry of managing the growth of plants and animals for humanuse(Skanavis,2004).Traditionally,agriculture includes cultivationof the soil,growing and harvesting crops,breeding and raisinglivestock,dairying and forestry(Skanavis,2004).Agriculture sectorsusually consist of crop farming,animal husbandry,dairyfarming,forestry,poultry farming and soil management. Over time,human use and interpretation of agriculture hasevolved.Agriculture played a key role in population settlement andthe rise of modern civilization.The hus bandry of domesticatedplants and animals allowed for these societal changes,crea tingfood surpluses that enabled more densely populated and stratifiedcommunities. A general agronomic textbook defines agriculture as "theinfrastructure of nation al economy,and main source of living,aswell as industrial material for human be ings"(Zhai,1999).Thisdefinition regards agriculture as a source of food,clothing and financial income,focusing on agriculture as " moneybased" andeconomy driv en.Agricultural practices under these definingideologies have deteriorated natural resources and theenvironment(soil,water and atmosphere).This has become apparent bythe depletion of ecological diversity and productivity fromincreased agricultural production,in an effort to meet aneverincreasing demand for food by an overpopu lated society.Thedestroyed ecological diversity and productivity can no longersupport infrastructure and provide a base for all agroeconomicproductivity.The Industrial Revolution replaced many organicmaterials with synthetic materials in agriculturalecosystems(agroecosystems),which led to the formation of "ModernFossil Fuel Agriculture." This increased dependence on syntheticmaterials and fossil fuels in agricul ture has only exacerbated thedeterioration of agroecosystems.However,Agriculture is multifacetedand extremely important;it is not limited to food production andeconomic output,but rather,it is a critical interface betweenhumans and nature. Ancient Chinese books,poems and paintings depicted an idealfarmingoriented society among a charming agroecologicalenvironment.The ecological functions of sound agriculture andforestry,as depicted in ancient Chinese art,are summarized asfollows(Wang,2005): Water and soil conservation Climate and rainfall regulation Protection of land from wind and desertification Landscape beautification and pollution prevention Living energy supply and source of fertility Fortunately,researchers and government agencies in the world aregradually rec ognizing the multifunctionality ofagriculture.Caldwell(1996)redefined agriculture as "Thescience,art,politics and sociology of changing sunlight intohealthy,happy people(农业是把太阳光转变成人们健康、幸福生活的科学、艺术、政治学和社会学)"(Wang,2005). This expanded definition better recognizes the function ofagriculture;it means that agriculture is a natural ecologicalprocess,whereby solar radiation converts ener gy and matter fromnatural resources(including land,atmosphere and water)for food andhuman environment.This definition incorporates people as anessential com ponent,emphasizing the equilibrium point for humanbenefits and natural conserva tion,or "the basic interface betweenpeople and their environment"( Valentine,2005).One can group themajor agricultural products in the following categories:foods,fibers,fuels,raw materials,pharmaceuticals and stimulants,andan assortment of ornamental or exotic products.Ecological designsof agronomic and horticultural systems have become part of thefunctionality of agriculture. The point to note here is that agriculture is homocentric.Aliteral interpretation of homocentric would put people at thecentre;a functional interpretation puts people as a beneficiary butnot central. In addition to supporting industry and the economy,agriculturealso promotes land renovation,biodiversity,nature conservation anddesign. (1)Agriculture is a driver of the global economy. Supports the livelihoods and subsistence of people worldwide (2)The agricultural sector must simultaneously. Secure enough highquality agricultural production to meetdemand Conserve biodiversity and manage natural resources Improve human health and well being,especially for the ruralpoor in develo ping countries Agricultural management must continually increase theproductivity of existing farmland to meet population demand throughthe adaptation of good and efficient management prac tices.Additionally,management should embrace the three pillars ofsustainability,repre senting natural(environmental),social andeconomic factors(Fig.1.1). 1.1.2 The science and discipline of agriculture Science and technology are the building blocks of modernagriculture.One must understand the biological and physicalsciences underlying agricultural engineering andtechnology.Successful farming requires the knowledge oftillage,irrigation,fertiliza tion,drainage and sanitation.Someaspects of farming require further specialized knowledge,whichagricultural engineers can carry out.Agriculture encompasses a widevariety of specialties and techniques.One such specialty is theability to increase suitable land for plant production,usuallyperformed by digging waterchannels and other forms ofirrigation.Cultivating crops on arable land and pastoral herding oflive stock on rangeland are some of the fundamental practices ofagriculture. In the past few decades,plant breeding,agriculturalchemistry(e.g.pesticides and fertilizers)and correspondingtechnological improvements have sharply increased yields fromcultivation(Tab.1.1).For instance,plant breeding and geneticscontrib ute immeasurably to farm productivity;meanwhile,geneticshave turned livestock breeding into a science.However,some of thistechnology causes widespread ecologi cal damage and negativelyimpacts human health.Hydroponics,a method of soilless gardening inwhich plants are grown in chemical nutrient solutions,may help meetthe need for greater food production as the world's populationincreases.Similarly,selective breeding and modern practices inanimal husbandry,such as intensive pig farming(and similarpractices applied to chickens),have increased the output ofmeat.However,hydroponics can lead to pathogen attacks and selectivebreeding in crop varieties has led to the utilization of only a fewplant species and monocropping,reducing biological diversity.Inaddition,concerns have increased about animal wel fare and humanhealth effects from antibiotics,growth hormones,and other chemicals often used in largescale meat production. Agricultural chemistry which includes,but are not limited to:the application of fertilizer,insecticides and fungicides,soilmakeup,analysis of agricultural products and nutritional needs offarm animals,must take into account many crucial farmingconcerns.The increasing use of inorganic fertilizers and syntheticpesticides poses many problems in soil degradation,ground watercontamination,food safety,toxic ity accumulation in naturalwildlife and other environmental deterioration. The packing,processing,and marketing of agricultural productshave also been influenced by science.Methods ofpreservation,quickfreezing and dehydration have increased marketsfor farm products and decreased postharvest losses.These processesdo,however,mean the use of more chemicals and materials potentiallyleading to resource depletion,food safety concerns and increasedenvironmental pollution. Agricultural science has primarily focused on components of theproduction process,maximizing net returns on single products perunit of land or labour.All other resource use and environmentaleffects have been considered "externalities"(Fran cis etal.,2003). Many problems resulting from modern agriculture occur because ofreductionist disciplines and utilitarian technologies.Thus,we needto modify our understanding of agriculture,integrating Caldwell'snewer definition(1996)with a new science and discipline toinvestigate agriculture in a more inclusiveway.Agroecology,therefore,should be considered a cutting edgediscipline that bridges ecology(including human ecology)withagriculture. 1.1.3 The link to the discipline of ecology The etymology of ecology stems from the Greek words "oikos"(house or place to live in)and " logia"(study of).The wordecology was proposed and defined by Ger man biologist,ErnstHaeckel,in 1866.His definition states "Ecology is the science ofthe relations between organisms andenvironment"(Odum,1969;1983).This defini tion implies that ecologybuilds upon related biological sciences such as zoology andbotany;such disciplines usually examine organismsthemselves,whereas ecology explores the relationships betweenorganisms with each other and their environment.While ecology canbe considered a biological science,it spans a much broader studyarea,including earthscience,chemistry,physics,mathematics,medicine,and certain aspectsof the social and economical sciences.The famous ecologist,EugeneOdum,stated that Ecology is "a science bridging biology and socialscience"(Odum,1971).This explains ecology in terms of aninterdisciplinary science,mixing natural science with socialscience,where one can also infer a particular emphasis on economicsand politics.A holistic or integrated approach to the investigationof ecosys tems requires considerable knowledge,effort andscientific resources.The results of ecological studies are oftencontrary to what one may expect at a first glance.Fig.1.2Bioorganizational scales in ecology(Odum,1983). Although the study of ecology traces back to ancient Greek andRoman times,modern ecolo gy was born from and accelerated by thesocial and environmental problems of the 18th century IndustrialRevolution.Modern ecology originated as a response to the globalemergence of the "FiveEcologicalCrises,"i.e.Population,Food,Resource,Energy and Environment,at the beginning of the 20th century.Essentially,ecology is the economics ofnature,as opposed to the moneybased economics that investigates theso cial economy.Economics focuses on accounting for ways to regroupresources to maximize the output,regardless of any abstract innatevalue. Ecology investigates the interactions among organisms and theirenvironments at various scales,from individual organisms to apopulation,community,ecosystem or biosphere.Fig.1.2 illustrates thescales of ecology,classified under subjects such as molecularecology,autecology( species ecology),population ecology,communityecology and global ecology. 1.1.4 The link between agriculture and ecology: the inclusivediscipline of agroecology The role of ecology in agriculture is to find the pivotalbalance among global food security,advantageousproduction,technological innovation,environmental preser vation andprotection of biodiversity( Ormerod,2003).Both agriculture andecology have common roots in the disciplines ofbotany,chemistry,physics and geology,with very distinctapplications and management practices(Paul,1989).Agroecologymanifested from these relationships,first emerging in the 1930s;itsinitial phase lasted until the 1960s,af ter which the scienceexpanded until it became considered a discipline in its own rightand in stitutionalized in the 1990s(Wezzel,2009).Prof.Luo Shiminget al(1987)defined Agro ecology as "a science of theinteraction,coevolution,regulation,control and equilibrium development between agroorganisms and their environment(both natural andsocial),based upon the principles of ecology and systematic theoryandpractice(农业生态学是应用生态学的原理、系统论的观点和方法,把农业生物与其自然和社会系统作为整体,研究它们之间的相互联系、协调演变、调节控制和平衡发展规律的科学)".Thisdefinition is inclusive and reflects the intent of Caldwell'sdefinition(1996)of agriculture.While agroecology is derived fromthe larger field of ecology,draws even more strongly on the socialsciences to construct understanding and predictions about organismrelationships.Ecology can be considered the "parent" theory ofagroecology because the goals of the discipline are to pursue thesustainable management of particularecosystems;i.e.agroecosystems.This is evi denced by the recenthistory of corn(maize,Zea mays)in agroecology. 1.1.5 The development of agroecology as a discipline andscience (1)Agroecology developed under the background of the globalecological crises concerning agriculture Agroecosystems play a crucial role in our lives because theyprovide us with food and fibre while greatly impacting the qualityof our environment( Elliott,1989).Historically,global ecologicalcrises concerning agriculture have been the inspiration for thedevelopment of agroecology,as well as a major source ofconflict.China represents one of the Ancient Farming Societies ofthe world.In China,nature has been destroyed mercilessly since thefirst hoe was used in agriculture,transforming the "GreenGrassland" into the " White Desert",and " Mother River" into the "Yellow River" .Globally,ecology has been involved in revolutionsboth of environmental protection and of environmental sciences.Soonafter Rachel Carson revealed the far reaching effects of chemicalpesticides used broadly in agricultural practice in her famous bookSilent Spring,many ecologists dedicated their careers toagroecosystem research. (2)Agroecology promotes the evolution of the agriculturaleconomy from " In dustrialbased" to "Intelligencebased" " Historical Agriculture" refers to the first 10,000 years ofagricultural develop ment.Prior to that,people lived by hunting andgathering.Historical Agriculture required extensive cultivation andproductivity relied entirely on the unpredictability of nature andweather.This economic pattern could be realistically defined as a"nature based economy." Subsequently,LabourIntensive Agriculturewas born 2000 years ago,the productivity of which depended totallyon people power and land character istics.This economic patterncould be described as a " subsistencebased economy."Theagricultural pattern has changed drastically from a "naturebasedeconomy" to an "industrialbased economy" since the IndustrialRevolution.Modern agriculture can be formularized by "fossilenergy+technology=commodity," showing that fossil energy and moderntechnology have become the dominant factors for agriculture.Consequently,agricultural productivity has increased tremendously whencompared with the former two stages(Tab.1.1).As a negativeresult,however,such patterns have generally destroyed the naturalsustainable mechanisms of agriculture.