定 价:32 元
- 作者:(美)坎菲尔德,(美)汉森,(美)纽马克 编著,南溪 译
- 出版时间:2012/7/1
- ISBN:9787540455934
- 出 版 社:湖南文艺出版社
- 中图法分类:H319.4
- 页码:336
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:大32开
《心灵鸡汤:幸好还有你,陪我到最后》精选50篇讲述爱与勇气的故事,篇篇直击心灵,用最具疗伤效果的文字,让我们学会感恩,学会爱。它教会我们如何去创造奇迹,如何与人和睦地相处,如何掌控心的方向,是人生最美好的礼物,也是一本让我们懂得感恩、告别孤独和迷惘的心灵指南。 地道美语原味呈现,译文优美流畅,适合每天诵读,在赏析美文的同时轻松提高英语水平。
《心灵鸡汤》系列发行56个国家,被译为40多种语言。全球畅销上亿册,是美国乃至世界各国公认的权威心灵成长读物。该丛书连续七年蝉联美国畅销榜第一名,有以下三大优势: 1.最丰富的心灵读本 通过一篇篇直击心灵的故事,用最具疗伤效果的文字,让我们学会感恩,学会爱。 2.最重要的人生激励 书中藏着一幕幕我们每个人都会经历的挫折、苦涩、阴霾,并真实地记录下穿越迷雾后的美好时光,带我们发掘爱的力量,教导我们勇敢地面对人生。 3.最权威的双语美文 地道美语原味呈现,译文优美流畅,适合每天诵读,在赏析美文的同时轻松提高英语水平。
①杰克·坎菲尔德(JackCanfield)是“心灵鸡汤系列丛书”的创始人之一,这套丛书被《时代》杂志赞誉为“近十年来是出版业的神话”。他还参与编写了另外八本畅销作品。 ②马克·维克多·汉森(Mark Victor Hansen)和JackCanfield一样,是“心灵鸡汤系列丛书”的创始人之一。他是一个备受追捧的演讲人、畅销书作者、市场营销专家。他关于可能性、机遇、行动的具有冲击力的见解,已经为全球成千上万人的人生带来了神奇的改变。 ③艾米·纽马克(AmyNewmark)是“心灵鸡汤系列丛书”的出版人,拥有三十年的从业经历,其身份包括作家、演讲人,以及金融与电信领域的金融分析师和业务主管。
Foreword 前言 Chapter 1 The Power of a Father’s Love 第一部分 父爱的力量 003. Learning to Love 学会去爱 012. Pray for Kyle 为凯尔祈祷 017. The Price of a Child 一个孩子的价格 022. Play Catch with Me, Dad 爸爸,陪我打棒球吧! 025.The Promise 承诺 032. Take My Hand Foreword 前言 Chapter 1 The Power of a Father’s Love 第一部分 父爱的力量 003. Learning to Love 学会去爱 012. Pray for Kyle 为凯尔祈祷 017. The Price of a Child 一个孩子的价格 022. Play Catch with Me, Dad 爸爸,陪我打棒球吧! 025.The Promise 承诺 032. Take My Hand 抓紧我的手 039. My Father’s Son 爸爸的儿子 046. Apology to a Child 向孩子致歉 051. Can’t Let Go 不能放手 054. Father’s Secret 父亲的秘密 059. Some Snowballs Don’t Melt 有些雪球不会融化 069. Peela 皮拉 Chapter 2 Supportive Dads 第二部分 父亲——坚定的后援 075. My Dad 我的父亲 080. There Is an Oz 生活里总会有一个奥兹 087. Safe Harbors and Sailing Ships 安全港和帆船 090. A Sacred Part of Fatherhood 神圣的父爱 095. Across the Pond 飞越重洋 103. When the World Stopped Turning 当世界停止运转 111. Taken for Granted 习以为常 116. Ballerina 芭蕾舞者 124. Understanding Dad 理解父亲 131. Father’s Day 父亲节 134. Smeared Ink 斑驳墨迹 Chapter 3 Taking Dad’s Advice 第三部分 采纳父亲的建议 143. My Dad and Little Joe 父亲和小乔 149. A Father’s Wisdom 父亲的智慧 160. The Great Candy Bar Debate 糖果大辩论 168. Dad, I Have a Beach Ball 爸爸,我有个海滨球 173. My Favorite Professor 我最敬仰的教授 181. Beyond the Breakers 浪花之上 188. Eat Dessert First 先吃甜点 195. Where’s Your Notebook? 你的笔记本呢? 201. Dirt Cheap 越便宜越好 206. Standing by His Word 信守承诺 Chapter 4 Single Fatherhood 第四部分 单身父亲 215. Second Chance 第二次机会 225. Orchids and Corned Beef Hash 兰花和牛肉土豆泥 232. Well Enough 这样已足够 236. Rite of Passage 通过仪式 244. Arms of Love 爱的臂弯 249. My Dad 我的父亲 255. Mystical, Magical Moments 神秘的魔幻时刻 262. Judgment Day 审判日 Chapter 5 Treasured Moments 第五部分 珍贵时刻 271. The Greatest Shot of My Life 人生最完美的一杆球 276. The Important Test 至关重要的测验 284. The Runaways 跑道 288. Dad’s Right Hand 父亲的左右手 294. A Father’s Love 一个父亲的爱 300. Butterscotch 奶油糖果 307. Across Home Plate 打出本垒 312. No More Sunday Matinees 一去不返的周末午后场 321. Flashing Back 追忆往事 327. Meet Our Authors 见见我们的作者 331. Thank You 感谢词 334. Chicken Soup for the Soul Improving Your Life Every Day 心灵鸡汤 每天改善你的生活 335. Share with Us 与我们一同分享
Take My Hand 抓紧我的手 The guardian angels of life fly so high as to be beyond oursight, but they are always looking down upon us. ~Jean Paul Richter The car crept slowly up the dark mountain road as February windsdusted the slick pavement with new-fallen snow. From the front seat, my two college friendsnavigated the old car over the icy road. I sat behind them with abroken seat belt. The back end of the car fishtailed. “No problem, Mary,” Bradreassured me, gripping the steering wheel. “Sam’s house is just over the next ridge. We’ll make itthere safely.” I heaved a sigh. “I’m glad Sam’s having a party.It’ll be so good to see everyone again after Christmas break.” Ihoped my cheerful friends could bring me up from one of the lowestpoints of my life. Even Christmas at home in Hawaii had beendisappointing, leaving my heart empty and hollow. Nothing had beenthe same since Dad died two years ago. Sensing my despair, Dad’s sisters had taken me aside afterChristmas dinner. “Pray to the heavens, honey,” they coaxed. “Yourdaddy is there. He can hear you and help you.” Pray? Bah, humbug, I thought, as I left the family gathering.I’ve given up on God. Moonlight glistened off the icy pavement. Our car approached thebridge traversing the canal waters feeding the nearby lake. As wecrossed the bridge, the car began swerving out of control. “Hangon!” Brad screamed. We spun 360 degrees before careening off theroad. The car rolled over, slammed onto its top, and my bodycrashed through the rear window and onto the frozen earth. As Igroaned, only half-conscious, I noticed no sounds from the frontseat. I started crawling, hoping to find the road, and help.Digging my elbows into the ground, I dragged my battered bodyacross the rough terrain. With the next pull, I slid over a knolland somersaulted down the other side and into the freezing canalwater. The pain and cold left me limp. Then I heard a voice scream,“Swim!” I began to stroke with my arms. “Swim!” the voice called. It sounded like Dad. “Swim harder, MaryAnn!” He was the only one who called me Mary Ann. “Daddy!” I cried, asthe current pulled me under. I thrust myself through the surface ofthe water when I heard him scream again, “Swim harder!” “Daddy, where are you? I can’t see you!” I yelled, as the frigidwaters pulled me under again. Too frozen and weak to fight, I felt myself sinking deeper intothe darkness. My head swayed back, and I gazed up through thesurface of the water where a bright golden light glowed. Then Iheard Daddy holler again, “Swim, Mary Ann! Take my hand!” With all my might, I hurled my body upward, through the water andinto the light. There, my daddy’s hand extended. I recognized histouch, his grip as he pulled me up. Then the light, the hand—the moment—vanished. I was clutching achain extended across the canal. “Daddy!” I cried. “Come back! Help me. Help me, Daddy!” “Over here!” another voice yelled. “She’s over here!” A strangerleaned toward the water’s edge. “Hold on to the chain and pullyourself to shore!” Hand over hand, I yanked my frozen torso within the stranger’sreach, and he lifted me to the bank. My body and my mind werenumb. “Let’s get you to the hospital,” the man said, wrapping me in ablanket. He sniffed near my face. “Have you been drinking?” “No,” I mumbled. As I drifted into a merciful state of unconsciousness, I heardhim say, “You were calling for your daddy.” I came to in the emergency room, where I was treated forhypothermia. My friends had sustained only cuts and bruises. “You’re all lucky,” the highway patrolman said. “Especially you,young lady. Those chains are strung across canals to keep animalsand debris from flowing into the lake. I can’t believe you knew tograb it when you did, or had the strength to in that freezingwater.” “I had help,” I muttered. “You must have had help, Mary,” the patrolman said. “You weredeathly close to being sucked into the underground siphon thatpumps water into the lake. Another ten feet, and we’d never havefound your body.” He patted my shoulder. “Somebody up there islooking after you.” Not just somebody, I thought. My Daddy. That afternoon in the canal was the last time in my life I’vebeen afraid. Even years later, when our infant daughter hadopen-heart surgery, I had a faith-filled peace no one couldunderstand. I can feel that, with Dad’s help, the hand of God isover me. I need only to reach out and grasp it. ~Mary Ann Hagen 生命的守护天使飞得太高,我们看不到他们,但他们会一直看着我们。 ——吉恩?保罗?里克特 当二月的寒风把新降的雪花吹散在光滑的路面上时,我们的车在黑暗的山路上缓慢行驶着。 我的两个大学朋友坐在前排,开着那辆破车,驶过湿滑的路面,我坐在他们后面,系着破损的安全带。 汽车的尾部不停地摆动着。“没事的,玛丽,”布拉德一面安慰我,一面紧握着方向盘,“再翻过一座山就是山姆家了,我们会安全抵达的。” 我叹了口气。“我很高兴去参加山姆的聚会,圣诞节假期结束了,大家又可以聚到一起了。” 我希望,朋友们在一起的欢乐气氛可以把我从人生的低谷中拉出来。即使是在夏威夷和家人一起过的圣诞节也让我很失望,感觉内心空荡荡的。自从两年前爸爸去世之后,一切都不同了。 姑姑们觉察到了我内心的绝望,吃完圣诞晚餐之后,她们把我叫到了一边。“ 亲爱的,向上 天祈祷吧,” 她们劝我说,“你爸爸在那里,他会听到你的祷告来帮助你的。” 祈祷?呸!都是些骗人的话!我这样想着离开了家庭聚会。我已经不相信上帝了。 月光洒在结冰的路面上,闪闪发光,我们的车快要驶上横卧运河之上的大桥——那条运河注入附近的湖泊。当我们的车穿过大桥时,它突然开始打转,根本无法控制。“一定要抓住啊!”布拉德大叫。我们几乎旋转了360度后,翻出了路面。车翻了,车顶触地,我从车的后窗坠落到冰冻的地面上。当我处于半昏迷状态发出呻吟的时候,我注意到前排的位置上没有发出任何声响。我开始爬,希望能够找到一条路去求助。我用双肘捣着地面,拖着伤痛的身躯,艰难地爬过那不平之地。我再一挣,翻过一个小土丘,滑到了另一边,掉进了冰冷的河水里。 疼痛和寒冷几乎让我无法移动,接着,我听到一个声音在大喊: “游啊!” 我开始用臂划水。 那个声音又在喊:“继续游!”听起来很像爸爸的声音。“使劲游啊,玛丽?安!” 爸爸是唯一叫我玛丽?安的人。“爸爸!”我哭喊着,这时水流又把我吞没了。我挣扎着探出水面,这时,我又听到了爸爸在大喊:“使劲游!” “爸爸,你在哪儿?我看不到你!”我大喊着,冰冷的河水又一次将我吞没。 极度的寒冷,再加上极度的虚弱,我已经无力挣扎,感觉自己正在沉入无尽的黑暗之中。我转过头,好像看到水面上有一束金色的亮光在闪烁。然后我又听到爸爸在大喊:“游啊,玛丽?安,抓紧我的手!” 我用尽全力向上一冲,终于探出了水面,看到了亮光。爸爸的手伸了过来,我能感觉到他的抚摸,是他抓着我把我拉了上来。 接着,灯光和爸爸的手——一刹那间——都消失了。我紧紧抓着运河周边的锁链。 “爸爸,回来啊!救救我,救救我,爸爸!”我哭喊着。 “在这儿!”另一个声音大喊道,“她在这儿!”一个陌生人斜倚在水边说道,“抓紧锁链,挪到岸边来!” 我双手交叉猛拉了一把,我那冻僵的身体离那个陌生人不远了。他把我拉到岸上,我的身体和意识都已经麻木了。 “我带你去医院,”他边说边把我裹进毛毯。他凑到我面前,闻了闻,问道:“你喝酒了吗?” “没有!”我含糊地说了一句。 在我渐渐失去意识时,我听到那个陌生人说“你一直在叫你的爸爸”。 由于体温过低,我被送进了急诊室。我的朋友们只是受了点擦伤和淤伤。 “你们真是太幸运了,”公路上的巡警说,“尤其是你,小姑娘!运河边上的那些锁链是用来阻挡动物或是废弃物掉进河里的,真不敢相信,你掉进河里后,在那么冰冷的水里,居然还有力气抓住那些锁链。” “我得到了帮助。”我小声说道。 “你肯定是得到了帮助,玛丽,”巡警说,“当时情况十分危急,你离抽水到湖里的地下虹吸管已经特别近了,很有可能被吸进去。再近十英尺的话,我们就永远找不到你了。”他拍了拍我的肩膀说,“一定有人在天上看顾着你。” 我觉得,不是别人,就是我的爸爸。 那天下午掉进运河里,是我这一生当中所经历的最让我害怕的一件事,但也是最后一次。即使多年以后,我的小女儿做“心脏直视”手术时,我信念坚定,内心平和,尽管这无法让人理解。在爸爸的帮助下,我可以感觉到上帝之手。我需要做的就是努力去够到,然后紧紧地抓住。 ——玛丽·安·哈根 ……