定 价:45 元
- 作者:张耀飞 著
- 出版时间:2012/6/1
- ISBN:9787546385426
- 出 版 社:吉林出版集团
- 中图法分类:H313.1
- 页码:517
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:32开
■小开本装帧,便于携带。由计算机统计出的4000核心单词,252篇当下最热门的短文话题,1200多个实战练习题! ■台湾地区英语补习首席名师张耀飞独创嵌入式记忆法,精心制作记忆光谱,让你随时检测学习效果,缔造最高学习效率! ■随书附赠外籍教育专家精心录制超长MP3光盘,让你听出英语力!沪江学习卡让你可以免费下载模式试题,并随机做题打分!
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【作者序】 Preface 拜托!不用根本背不熟!
Level 1 Essay1~Essay63
Level 2 Essay64~Essay126
Level 3 Essay127~Essay189
Level 4 Essay190~Essay252
Rebecca was a beautiful and popular actress8.She wasable1 to date with three different actors7 in oneafternoon14.She considered it a common place in adults’11 world,soshe’s not afraid12 of men’s fight out of jealousy.One day,Rebecca drove her car across4 the fast trafficlane against16 thetraffic rules. She bumped into themedial island and was severelyinjured, so she could notact5 completely. All of her lovers ranstraight to thehospital after13 they heard about2 it. The action6ofanesthetic tranced her for several hours. When she wokeup andlooked above3, only the nurse was adding9 water to her glass. Sheasked whether her boyfriend had comeor not.
“You mean your boyfriends? They had a quarrelwhen knowing you have different addresses10. Then they left youalone out of anger.” Rebecca felt regretted and decided not to dothat again15.